Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Installing Node.js on Shared hosting (Godaddy / Hostgator)

I will show you how to install Node.js on shared hosting. Please like and subscribe.

Finding the installed location of NODE.js:
which node
which npm
which nvm
NVM website: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm

You may run this code for download.
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
Check your bashrc recent modification for the changes.

Varify installation of NVM:
nvm -v
The fact is, on 2020 I have realized that my Godaddy hosting provides python 2.6 which is not compatible with the node v13, thus you need to install node v10 Lts for now. It worth mention that you can have multiple version installed with the NVM but only one could be active.

Update Node over existing installation:
nvm ls-remote --lts=Erbium 
nvm install --lts=Erbium 
nvm use node
nvm -v nvm cache clear
Install Node.js:
nvm uninstall v13.6.0
nvm install v10.18
nvm install v11 (Now v11 is supporting on Goddady/Hostgator 2020) nvm install --lts=Erbium (v12 lts on Crazydomain on 2020)
npm -v
nvm run node --version
nvm run node v11.15.0
nvm use node
nvm use node v11.15.0
nvm use v10.18.0
npm -v

To check the currently active version: 
node -v
npm -v # Display currently activated version of Node nvm current nvm version nvm which current
Check NPM Globals:
npm list -g

NPM Node module Full reset of a Laravel project:
rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json yarn.lock
npm cache clear --force
npm install
List remotely installed versions:
nvm ls
nvm ls-remote v10
nvm ls-remote --lts
nvm ls-remote --lts=Erbium

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ubuntu bootable usb + Server install + WiFi password

Creating Ubuntu bootable USB to Ubuntu Server installation step by step, with the ability of Wi-Fi login. So that you can login to the remote linux server from same router. Also I made a linux startup script for which makes you real happy.
I follow the alternative way for fix the solution and to thankful to few bloggers guru and ubuntu community for the support. Hope you would enjoy the video. Please comment and like my video.
Please subscribe for the upcoming video.

ifconfig wlx90f6520b4db6 up
iwlist wlx90f6520b4db6 scan | grep ESSID
iwconfig wlx90f6520b4db6 ESSID student
mkdir /etc/wpa
wpa_passphrase student fatfree123 > /etc/wpa/student.conf
more /etc/wpa/student.conf
wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlx90f6520b4db6 -c/etc/wpa/student.conf -B
dhclient wlx90f6520b4db6
apr -a

Please Subscribe my channel!
FaceBook: https://goo.gl/jKTrBX

Some of my other videos links bellow:
Best web hosting companies hidden scam

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Electricity Saving Tips

How to download voice memos from iphone

Transfer Excel CSV contacts to iPhone!

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Transfer all types of Contacts to iPhone! Total solution!

Transfer Excel CSV contacts to iPhone!

Transfer Outlook contacts to iPhone!

Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android!

Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android! Easy!

Transfer and backup contacts iPhone/Android!


Life 110 Volts
FaceBook: https://goo.gl/RGWipD