Installing Laravel on Shared Hosting:
We are now in Home ~ directory,
$ cd ~/bin
$ mkdir composer
$ cd composer
Run these command set to install Composer in ~/bin/composer directory Composer: Command-line installation (Link).
To quickly install Composer in the current directory:
To quickly install Composer in the current directory:
To check the setup file composer.phar:
[~/bin/composer]$ ls
[~/bin/composer]$ php composer.phar -v
You need to make an alias for easy:
[~]$ vi ~/.bashrc
Add this line in the top of the file.
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
Add this line in the very bottom of the file.
alias composer="/usr/bin/php5-cli ~/bin/composer/composer.phar"
source ~/.bashrc
composer -V
Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10
Install Laravel
Run to install Laravel installer itself:
composer global require laravel/installer
To create a project:
laravel new blog
NB: It not working then you need to alias the laravel executable on your .bashrc [~/.composer]# ll vendor/laravel/installer/bin
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 go2belal go2belal 4096 May 21 10:25 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 go2belal go2belal 4096 Jun 23 13:40 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 go2belal go2belal 331 May 21 10:25 laravel* [~/.composer]# cd vendor/laravel/installer/bin [~/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/bin]# pwd
vi ~/.bashrc
alias laravel='/home4/go2belal/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/bin/laravel'
source ~/.bashrc
laravel -v
Debug: some times you may see this message:
source ~/.bashrc
composer -V
-jailshell: /usr/bin/php5-cli: No such file or directory
Then run:
$ which php /usr/local/bin/php
and replace the "/usr/bin/php5-cli" with "/usr/local/bin/php"
in ~/.bashrc file.
Run again:
source ~/.bashrc
composer -V
Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10